*Weill Cornell Medical College has its own independent arrangement with Microsoft, and is not covered under the Microsoft Campus Agreement. It./services/software_licensing/available/ms_office.cfm Under the Microsoft Campus Agreement, Cornell University staff, faculty, and affiliates* can download Microsoft Office (which includes Outlook) to install onto their institution-owned computers at no charge. Another option is Outlook on the web (, previously Outlook Web App), part of Cornell's Office 365. Outlook 2016, which offers greater stability and generally better performance, may be installed and used instead.
For these reasons, and to focus support resources where there is greatest demand, as of March 31, 2017, Outlook 2011 for Mac will no longer be supported by the IT Service Desk and the Cornell Office 365 team. Microsoft has removed Outlook 2011 for Mac from the Office 365 Portal and announced that the email and calendar application will no longer be supported as of October 2017.